Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

What I Do

I am passionate about helping adults move towards personal wholeness, interpersonal healthiness, mental stability and spiritual maturity, through providing mental wellness counseling and (upon request), Christian counseling to those interested. My counseling services are overall holistic and comprehensive, addressing the heart and soul of the person while providing individualized plans and excellent quality care.


Refuge Counseling Wellness Services is on a mission to help individuals and families address and transform their trauma. I am intentional about building healthy individuals and families by promoting mental health and wellness within the Body of Christ and greater society. The practice is focused on creating trauma informed communities by providing education geared toward expanding one’s definition of trauma and addressing the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of ourselves that are instrumental to post traumatic growth.


Refuge Counseling Wellness Services seeks to help women and adults recover from disturbing events that are at the root of anxiety, depression, nightmares/terrors, anger/rage, negative belief systems and implicit biases that subconsciously and consciously rule one’s life. As the solo practitioner, I do that through providing trauma informed care in the form of psychodynamic/insight oriented and attachment based therapy to help individuals and families develop greater self awareness and tools to heal from the root and outward.

Refuge Counseling Wellness Services exists to help individuals who are interested in seeking Christian counseling understand the role the Gospel plays in every area of their lives. It targets those who profess saving faith in Christ and encourages growth emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Refuge Counseling Wellness Services desires to impact generations of individuals and families where adults are able to acknowledge, address and manage their emotions (display self control), create healthy secure relational attachments (healthy bonding & boundaries) and ultimately end the cycle of abusive behavior towards self and others (generational and intergenerational abuse), thereby developing healthy children and families, and overall, becoming healthier neighbors who model and display healthy behaviors (building legacy).